СМИ: Трамп обсуждает сделку с Путиным и готов сохранить за Россией захваченные территории Украины
EC gives green light to ITA-Lufthansa deal
L’IA réchauffe le climat : les émissions de carbone ont augmenté de 48 % en cinq ans chez Google
Médicaments : sept génériques retirés de la vente à cause d’irrégularités
Iron Age skeletons found under bridge may have been hit by a tsunami
Rinnovabili, pompe di calore ma anche il ritorno del nucleare: cosa prevede il Piano Energia e Clima del governo Meloni
Supreme Court ruling could jeopardize California's environmental rules
Tory wipeout bingo: online sellers cash in with election games and wallcharts
‘It’s nonsensical’: how Trump is making climate the latest culture war
Cannabis will likely soon be legally classified as medicine. But medicine for what?