Applied Sciences, Vol. 14, Pages 10053: FaceReader Insights into the Emotional Response of Douro Wines
JCM, Vol. 13, Pages 6618: The Time Course of Catecholamine Dose Reduction in Septic Shock as a Predictor of Bacterial Susceptibility to Empiric Antimicrobial Therapy: A Retrospective Observational Study
JCM, Vol. 13, Pages 6616: Effectiveness of Robotic Devices for Medical Rehabilitation: An Umbrella Review
Drones, Vol. 8, Pages 639: Mapping Invasive Species Pedicularis and Background Grassland Using UAV and Machine Learning Algorithms
JCM, Vol. 13, Pages 6616: Effectiveness of Robotic Devices for Medical Rehabilitation: An Umbrella Review
Medicina, Vol. 60, Pages 1806: An Intraoperative Ultrasound Evaluation of Axillary Lymph Nodes: Cassandra Predictive Models in Patients with Breast Cancer—A Multicentric Study
Energies, Vol. 17, Pages 5505: Research on a New Method of Water Recovery from Biogas Plant Digestate
Applied Sciences, Vol. 14, Pages 10054: Exploring Core Knowledge in Interdisciplinary Research: Insights from Topic Modeling Analysis
Agronomy, Vol. 14, Pages 2603: Integration of Biochar with Vermicompost and Compost Improves Agro-Physiological Properties and Nutritional Quality of Greenhouse Sweet Pepper
NeuroSci, Vol. 5, Pages 509-522: Ethanolamine and Vinyl–Ether Moieties in Brain Phospholipids Modulate Behavior in Rats