Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: 'Losing all credibility'

1 month ago 28

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup is a long-running series published every morning that collects essential political discussion and analysis around the internet.

Adam Klasfeld/X via Threadreader gives us a running story of what happened Tuesday during the gag order-contempt hearing:

Good morning from New York. Before jurors hear a word of witness testimony this morning, the court has an unfinished order of business: Trump's contempt hearing over the gag order…

Blanche says that "reposting an article from a news site" or "a news program" doesn't violate the gag order. Justice Merchan asks him where the case law supports that. "I don't have any case law," Blanche says, calling the proposition "common sense." 
The judge scoffs at the notion that it's "common sense" that Trump is "washing his hands" of the posts through reposts. 
Throughout these arguments, Blanche studiously uses "Truth" as a verb for posting on Trump's social media platform. 
Blanche: "President Trump is being very careful to comply" with the gag order. Merchan, sharply: "Mr. Blanche, you are losing all credibility." 
Merchan says he's going to "reserve decision on this," after brutal arguments for the defense. 

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