Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: Nixon said 'I am not a crook.' Trump: 'I am one, and I need to be one.'

2 weeks ago 24

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup is a long-running series published every morning that collects essential political discussion and analysis around the internet.

EJ Dionne, Jr/Washington Post:

Trump’s immunity claims tell voters all they need to know about him

Trump is saying something no other presidential candidate has ever said: That the only way to be an effective president is to be willing to break the law. “A denial of criminal immunity would incapacitate every future President with de facto blackmail and extortion while in office, and condemn him to years of post-office trauma at the hands of political opponents,” his lawyers wrote in their brief. “That would be the end of the Presidency as we know it and would irreparably damage our Republic.”

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