Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The shoe salesman wins The Palmetto State as expected

2 months ago 34

We begin today with Aaron Blake of The Washington Post and some potentially troubling exit poll numbers for the shoe salesman beneath his 20-point Republican primary win in the home state of his only challenger.

A few exit poll findings stand out.

One is that 31 percent of voters said Trump wouldn’t be fit to serve as president if he’s convicted of a crime. South Carolina becomes the third early state to show that at least 3 in 10 voters said a convicted Trump wouldn’t be fit. (We don’t have data for Nevada.)

Just because these voters say he wouldn’t be fit doesn’t mean they wouldn’t vote for him, but it would surely be a hurdle for at least some voters to get over. And 5 percent of voters voted for Trump but said he would be unfit if convicted. [...]

The NORC analysis showed that 35 percent of voters said they would be dissatisfied with Trump as the nominee, and 21 percent said they wouldn’t vote for him in the general election.

At least 20 percent of voters in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina have now said they will not vote for Trump in November.

That “20 percent of Republican primary/caucus voters will not vote for Trump in the general election” came up again. Interesting.

Here are the results from last night Republican primary in South Carolina with 99% of the vote in.


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