Biden's new ad on abortion: ‘Donald Trump doesn't trust women. I do'

3 months ago 35

Over the past year, Donald Trump has repeatedly taken credit for overturning Roe v. Wade, which upended access to abortion across the country. Now the Biden campaign is aiming to make Trump eat those words in a new ad called “Trust,” which is part of a $30 million buy targeting key swing states and urban areas within them.

The spot opens with Trump bragging that he "terminated" Roe, finally accomplishing a goal that conservatives had chased for over half a century.

"Because for 54 years they were trying to get Roe v. Wade terminated—and I did it," Trump says in the clip, adding, "And I’m proud to have done it."

After Trump's opening quote in the ad, Biden jumps in to narrate, telling voters that Trump ran on overturning Roe in 2016, and this year, "He’s running to pass a national ban on a woman’s right to choose."

Biden then appears, speaking directly to the camera and pledging to "make Roe v. Wade the law of the land again, so women have a federal guarantee to the right to choose." 

"Donald Trump doesn’t trust women," Biden adds. "I do."

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