Biden White House reminds sedition-backing Jim Jordan he doesn't actually have oversight powers yet

1 year ago 62

Congressional Republicans have worked for two years to block investigations of their own members' acts of support for the Jan. 6 attempted coup, but now that they'll have a slim House majority come January they're vowing to investigate the Biden administration, the Biden family, those nasty scientists who kept telling Americans to wear masks even though Republican Biffs find masks super uncomfortable, whatever anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia conspiracy theories Rudy Giuliani still has scribbled on gum wrappers, and take your pick.

But they'll have to wait until they actually have investigative powers in practice instead of just in theory. The subpoena-dodging Rep. Jim Jordan and Rep. James Comer were eager to get the ball rolling with angry record requests to the Biden administration demanding documents they'll want if they succeed in getting the chair positions on the House Judiciary and Oversight committees respectively. Now the Biden White House has responded to those requests by telling both seditionists to (temporarily!) pound sand.

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