Four months on and new nuclear power plan fails to attract enough fans

8 months ago 36

The UK/Ireland Nuclear Free Local Authorities has discovered that one new applicant to the Small Modular Reactor market has just flopped, and without much fanfare.

The NFLAs are at a loss to understand why; for this new design, whilst sharing traits with those of commercial competitors such as being prefabricated and assembled on site, differed radically from them in being affordable within a modest and fixed budget, deliverable on time (providing the instructions were properly followed and all the parts were to hand), not dependent on uranium sourced from nations run by despots, could be operated without any risk of accidents or fear of external attack, and, when abandoned, will leave no ruinously costly legacy of land contamination and deadly radioactive waste.

Yes, readers, in short, we are once more referring to the LEGO design first covered in our April Fools’ Day spoof earlier this year.

Sadly, anonymous designer BasAtHome, will be disappointed that her/his vision of LEGO having more power plants will be unrealised because, four months after an online poll first began to gather support for this and other prospective designs submitted by budding builders, the allotted time for voting has just now expired with only 3,924 Lego fans registering support.

Consequently, as the nuclear power plant design did not receive at least 10,000 votes, it will not be taken forward into production at this time by the Danish toy manufacturer.

More details can be found here:

Commenting NFLA Chair, Councillor Lawrence O’Neill said: “Sadly now NFLAs will not now be able to realise their stated ambition of sending the LEGO kit as a gift to Boris Johnson to assemble when he gets bored of painting his little red buses.

“We commiserate with BasAtHome on her/his misfortune, but at least they have the consolation that with 3,924 supporters their design for a LEGO nuclear power plant design has at least 3,922 more than Sizewell C, which has only the French and British Governments backing it.

“And we suspect that if s/he took the design to the market, BasAtHome would get a lot more financial support in much shorter order than EDF’s lamentable plan to destroy the beautiful Suffolk coastline, which has so far been completely snubbed by private investors.”

For the record, the NFLAs did not participate in the Lego poll – we would never vote for a nuclear power plant of any sort!


For more information, please contact NFLA Secretary Richard Outram by email on or mobile 07583097793

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