I hated these 10 films more than any others in 2022. How about you?

1 year ago 69

We can’t really acknowledge 2022’s film successes unless we point out there have also been some god-awful failures in cinema this year. These movies are deserving of Razzies, and make you feel as though you wasted precious life even putting eyeballs toward the screen. In some cases, the film can start out with a good, sometimes great, premise—and just go wrong. In other situations, it’s clear right from the beginning that it’s is a huge cash grab that forces a choice: cringe through it, or just turn it off and try something else. 

I’m excluding from this list the absolute abominations that are right-wing propaganda movies, though I’ll touch on those toward the end. I can’t truly include those in my hated films because there was never anything there to like, so I never bothered watching them.

So without further ado, let the stinker-riffing begin!

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