Need a new nuclear power station? Build your own.

1 year ago 77

In the fierce competition to bring Small Modular Reactors to the UK, the UK/Ireland Nuclear Free Local Authorities have recently noted that one new applicant to the market stands out.

Like its Roll-Royce rival, this design would be pre-fabricated and its components would also be assembled on site, but, unlike any conventional nuclear power station or modular reactor, it will have a more affordable price tag, will not take years to build or go over budget, comes without any environmental contamination or radioactive waste, is not dependent on uranium sourced from any nation led by a despot, and cannot become a dirty bomb if attacked by a hostile power in any future conflict involving this nation.

The Nuclear Free Local Authorities were intrigued to read of this radical and amazing design, which confounds the many justified and well-founded criticisms of civil nuclear power – that it is simply too costly, too slow, too dangerous, and too dirty to meet either Britain’s current or future energy needs or tackle the threat of climate change.

Now nuclear junkies everywhere have the chance to bring the visionary power plant to a living room near you.

Supporters need to cast their vote within the next 122 days at this link:
Yes, a design for a nuclear power plant is one of several proposed by a LEGO fan.

If adopted for commercial production by the Danish toy company, the model would comprise a reactor, control room, steam turbine, cooling system and used fuel pond, in just 2,995 parts.

And it includes five staff members, two reactor operators, two mechanics and a security guard.

But no protestors…

BasAtHome, the name of the anonymised designer, said s/he submitted the design because nuclear power is a ‘very fascinating technology’ and ‘LEGO doesn’t have many power plants yet!’

Commenting Councillor Lawrence O’Neill said: “Readers must forgive the NFLA for issuing this press release to poke fun at the nuclear industry on April Fools’ Day.

“Whilst we might differ from BasAtHome in describing civil nuclear power as ‘very frightening’ rather than fascinating, it is worth observing that Britain, like the LEGO world, also does not have any new nuclear power stations yet, because in the real world building nuclear power stations is far from child’s play.

“Although BasAtHome must amass at least 10,000 signatures in a short time for the design to be considered for production, new nuclear operators, most with fanciful, unproven, unauthorised, and unfunded designs, face many more obstacles before they have any prospect of entering the market; indeed, despite the establishment of Great British Nuclear, it is more likely that the LEGO model will see the light of day than many, or perhaps any, of them.”

Councillor O’Neill could resist a final swipe at the ultimate Nuclear April Fool, former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson MP, but we didn’t:

“Although Boris is a self-confessed fan of little red buses, the NFLA looks forward to sending him the LEGO set to play with as this is as near as he is likely to get to achieving his delusion of 24 Gigawatts of new nuclear power generation by 2050.”


For more information, please contact NFLA Secretary Richard Outram by email on or mobile 07583097793

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