Nuts & Bolts—Inside a Democratic campaign: What the layoffs at NGP VAN might mean for 2024

1 year ago 53

Welcome to Nuts & Bolts, a guide to Democratic campaigns. I’ve helped write this series for years using information from campaign managers, finance directors, field directors, trainers, and staff, responding to questions from Daily Kos Community and staff members, and addressing issues that are sent to me via kosmail through Daily Kos.

One of the elements we don’t talk about often is NGP VAN. The software is critically tied to Democratic campaigns because of the level of data it contains, the fact that the data powers field campaigns across states and it offers ease of use. On my phone currently I still have minivan loaded, and for most users, you can have campaign, district, county, or statewide access. Training on the product is something offered at almost every campaign worker engagement event, state party event, county party event, or just a training workshop. It is so tightly tied to the success of our campaigns that we just don’t think about it. Will NGP VAN trimming back their staff impact 2024? What does it mean for campaigns?

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