Parasitologia, Vol. 4, Pages 99-100: Micro–Nanoplastics as Potential Carriers of Dioxins and Toxoplasma gondii in Patients with Carotid Atheromas

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Parasitologia, Vol. 4, Pages 99-100: Micro–Nanoplastics as Potential Carriers of Dioxins and Toxoplasma gondii in Patients with Carotid Atheromas

Parasitologia doi: 10.3390/parasitologia4020009

Authors: Giovanni Di Guardo

A recent major study has shown that there is an increased risk of myocardial infarction, stroke and lethal outcomes in patients affected by carotid atheromas that contain micro-nanoplastics (MNPs) compared to subjects that do not have MNPs in their lesions [...]

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