Republicans take aim at each other despite House speaker's calls for unity

1 month ago 30

In ancient days, Saint Ronnie of Reagan returned from the mountaintop with a tablet engraved with the 11th Commandment: “Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.” Those days are as long gone as the idea of Republicans opposing Russia or holding a dishonest president to account

Instead, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is currently begging his raucous caucus to stop campaigning against each other. But since Johnson was selected specifically because he was an anonymous backbencher, it’s not surprising he lacks the authority to keep Republicans from training their abundant guns on each other. Donald Trump may be demanding party unity, but that unity is restricted to everyone obeying Trump.

In a party built on sucking up to the boss, no one should be surprised that loyalty to other members of the party is a fading memory.

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