Signs that Sinema's reign of terror over Senate Democrats are coming to an end next year

8 months ago 60

Among several things for Democrats to cheer in the third-quarter fundraising totals is the fact that Democrat-turned-independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona turned in notably weak totals shortly after notably weak polling cast doubt on a potential reelection bid.

Sinema's third-quarter haul was just $826,000, roughly half her $1.7 million second-quarter draw, according to Politico. Should Sinema decide to seek reelection, her Democratic challenger in the race, Rep. Ruben Gallego, raised more than $3 million in the third quarter, counting more than 56,000 donors and an average donation of $28 from 106,000 contributions.

Polling of the race also suggests tough sledding for Sinema, who hasn't officially announced her intent to run.

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