Space Command is staying in Colorado and Tommy Tuberville is steaming mad. Good

9 months ago 41

President Joe Biden has decided to keep U.S. Space Command in Colorado Springs, reversing a decision Donald Trump made just days before leaving the White House in 2021. Trump’s plan was to move the organization to Huntsville, Alabama, in what was widely seen as a thank you to the Alabama congressional delegation for supporting his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Now Republicans are furious that Biden would dare reverse such a sound, responsible decision.

House Armed Services Committee Chair Mike Rogers said the decision was due to “far-left politics” and that Biden had “intentionally misled” lawmakers. Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville said that the decision to keep Space Command where it already is in Colorado “looks like blatant patronage politics, and it sets a dangerous precedent that military bases are now to be used as rewards for political supporters rather than for our security.”

It’s always projection with Republicans, because that’s just what Trump’s decision looked like.

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