Tommy Tuberville learns that extremism costs jobs

11 months ago 55

Sen. 'Coach' Tommy Tuberville has released a new video statement demanding that the Biden Administration move forward with transferring U.S. Space Command headquarters from Colorado, its current location, to Tuberville's Alabama. At least that's what we think it's about—he takes his good sweet time meandering up to the point, but from his tweet we know that's what he thinks he was talking about.


If Joe Biden takes Space Command from Alabama and gives it to Colorado, it will set a dangerous precedent and damage our readiness.

The facts are clear. @US_SpaceCom belongs in Huntsville.

— Coach Tommy Tuberville (@SenTuberville) June 5, 2023

Before we go any further: Go ahead and watch that one, and let's all take a moment to acknowledge that this take, in which Coach Tommy stumbles over the words on the teleprompter like a concussed linebacker trying to find his way back to the sidelines, is apparently the best take Tuberville and his staff could muster. This evidently is one-take outrage for Tuberville, and not the sort of lasting outrage that might require a bit of rehearsal time first.

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