UAW president is not interested in Donald Trump photo op

10 months ago 43

Donald Trump is planning to go to Detroit and make a speech to union members instead of participating in the second Republican presidential primary debate next week. It looks like he’ll be doing that amid an autoworkers strike that is escalating, not wrapping up: The UAW will expand its strike on Friday if negotiations with Ford, Stellantis, and General Motors remain stalled at that point, the union’s president, Shawn Fain, announced Monday night.

“I have been clear with the Big Three every step of the way. And I’m going to be crystal clear again right now,” Fain said in a statement. “If we don’t make serious progress by noon on Friday, September 22nd, more locals will be called on to Stand Up and join the strike. That will mark more than a week since our first members walked out. And that will mark more than a week of the Big Three failing to make progress in negotiations toward reaching a deal that does right by our members.”

But Fain isn’t embracing Trump’s visit, even for leverage in the strike.

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