Ukraine update: These are my top 12 moments of the war. What are yours?

1 year ago 47

Over 10 months, the Russo-Ukraine War has killed over 200,000 on both sides and leveled entire cities to the ground, with consequences reaching far beyond Ukraine’s border. Yet it has reinvigorated global democratic movements, arresting what was an alarming slide toward authoritarianism worldwide. It has given Europe a unifying cause, exposed the rot that is Russia, and (hopefully) given pause to China’s ambitions in Taiwan. It has reasserted the United States’ moral authority, which was frayed by our unnecessary and destructive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. And maybe it has taught Europe that it’s time it takes its security into its own hands rather than relying on Americans to subsidize their defense budgets. 

We at Daily Kos have obsessively followed the war, writing about the ups and downs daily, with tactical views (who is attacking where), strategic ones (why are they attacking where they are attacking), and the global diplomatic and economic consequences. You have encouraged us to keep doing so by faithfully engaging with that content—reading it, recommending it, commenting, and sharing. I’m honestly surprised, not to mention intrigued, at this story’s resilience. Most people have tuned it out, but you guys refuse to do so. I’m thankful for that. 

Now that it’s the end of the calendar year, I’ve put together a top 12 moments of this war. It’s not the top dozen, it’s the ones that resonated with me. I’m curious as to what your top moments might be, so please share!

Let’s just stipulate “Putin decides to invade” as a key moment and move on from there. 

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