Updated GIJN Databases (Poverty, Crime, Corruption, and Terrorism)

3 weeks ago 20

Background research and data sourcing can be a critical part of investigative journalism, particularly in cross-border reporting projects. To ensure watchdog journalists have the most up-to-date resources, GIJN has reviewed, revised, and updated its topic-specific databases. The partial list of databases is the first of several batched releases to ensure our resource listings are fully current.

This database is maintained by the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) and is one of many resources available at our Resource Center.

Resources on Poverty — This database contains reports and statistical datasets from the UN, World Bank, and other global aid agencies and NGOs tracking poverty and inequality. Also included are individual country reports on poverty from the US, UK, Australia, and South Africa.

Resources on Crime — Law enforcement agency databases as well as UN-complied crime statistics are in this database, as well as US government lists of sanctioned individuals and companies suspected of trafficking and organized crime. Academic studies and expert sources are also listed here, along with data from NGOs and individual governments tracking violence and other internal and transnational crime trends.

Resources on Corruption — This resource features guides from GIJN and reporting databases from investigative journalism sites like OCCRP and ICIJ. It also lists information and datasets from global transparency and financial integrity organizations as well as reports and country profiles compiled by the UN, US, and UK agencies.

Resources on Terrorism — Global databases and security organizations tracking terrorism incidents are listed in this resource, as well as the US State Department-designated list of foreign terror groups. Also included are academic reports, journals, and law enforcement datasets tracking terror violence in different global regions.

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