Welcome to the future, now get on the giant floating Bratz mall

9 months ago 47

 Welcome back to Hunter Dumps on Everything You Lo—sorry, I mean welcome back to our occasional look at the future and its seemingly inevitable march to dystopia. You were looking forward to the future, were you? Well get over it, because our post-capitalist near future is going to consist of flying golf carts carrying drunk commuters over your house and movies written by AI, starring AI, reviewed by AI critics, and beamed directly into your skull involuntarily, like when Apple put U2 songs on everybody's phones whether you wanted them to or not.

Today's look at the future focuses on the cruise line industry, which has been dystopian since at least the invention of the slot machine and therefore has a head start on dystopia that few other industries can match. The good news is that the cruise ship future is close, as in it'll be here next year. Currently slouching towards Bethlehem, or at least undergoing slouching-towards-Bethlehem sea trials, is the Icon of the Seas, due to take on its first passengers next spring.

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