Who is Arizona’s GOP Senate candidate Kari Lake? She doesn’t even know

3 weeks ago 30

Kari Lake, the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Kyrsten Sinema, is having a very difficult time figuring out just what it is she stands for, depending upon who she’s talking to. That’s leading her to swing wildly from the far-right fringes steeped in conspiracy theories to trying to put on a “moderate” face to consolidate support.

Abortion is the most obvious example of Lake’s confusion, where she’s flip-flopped between absolute bans,  allowing each individual state to decide, and having compassion for all women’s choices. 

Now she’s landed right back on the far edge of the fringes, telling an audience at an Idaho Republican gathering (yes, Idaho, and yes, she’s running in Arizona) that it’s “unfortunate” that the 1864 Arizona law banning abortion—which she called “out of line” a few weeks ago—isn’t being enforced. 

“[U]nfortunately, the people running our state have said we’re not going to enforce it,” Lake told the right-wing Idaho Dispatch. “We don’t have that law, as much as many of us wish we did.” 

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