World leaders condemn scenes as Bolsonaro supporters attack political buildings – live

1 year ago 56

Attack has been compared to 6 January invasion of the US Capitol by followers of Donald Trump

Jair Bolsonaro supporters storm Brazil’s presidential palace and supreme court

Here are reactions from world leaders following, what one called, a “cowardly and vile attack on democracy”.

The Brazilian government has our full support in the face of this cowardly and vile attack on democracy.

All my solidarity to @LulaOficial and the people of Brazil. Fascism has decided to stage a coup. ... It is urgent for the OAS (Organization of American States) to meet if it wants to continue to live as an institution.

All my support to President @LulaOficial and to the free and democratically elected institutions of the Brazilian people. We categorically condemn the assault on the Brazil’s Congress and make a call for the immediate return to democratic normality.

In the wake of the events in Brazil, we express Mexico’s full support for President Lula’s administration, elected by popular will. We reject any attempt against democratic institutions.

“We express our solidarity with @LulaOficial and raise our voices in defense of Brazil’s democracy.

Ecuador condemns the events against institutionality in Brazil and reiterates its unrestricted support for democracy and the legitimately elected government.

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