Ψευδείς ισχυρισμοί του Robert F. Kennedy Jr. για τους ελέγχους ασφάλειας των εμβολίων για τα παιδιά στις ΗΠΑ.
Italy rabbis says pope 'genocide' probe call dangerous
No, este no es un vídeo de Volodímir Zelenski bailando: está manipulado para añadir su rostro
Segnalati problemi Fastweb oggi: il numero verde per assistenza clienti
Periodic Mammogram Screenings Do Not Cause Tumors
Pagella globale sulla performance climatica, l’Italia resta solo 43°
Dazzling Wildlife Portraits at COP29: A Conversation with Photographer Brad Wilson
Lebanese army must be bolstered if it is to enforce truce
Words against Valditara vile, unacceptable says Meloni
World is divided, threatened by nuclear conflict - pope